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The Little Jerry

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After Jerry passes a bad check at Marcelino’s bodega, everyone begins to make comments about it. Jerry’s parents find out about the check and offer to send money.  Through the Foundation, George gets the opportunity to visit a women’s prison. He  meets a convict named Celia and decides to ask her out. He enjoys the liberation that dating a convict offers.  Kramer decides to purchase a pet hen for eggs, but inadvertently gets a rooster that he names “Little Jerry Seinfeld.” After observing Little Jerry fight off a dog, Kramer enters him into a cockfight, which he wins.  Elaine is dating a man named Kurt who shaved his head for swimming and kept it shaved. Upon seeing his driver’s license photo, she learns he once had a fine head of hair. She convinces him to start growing it back, but when he does, he shows signs of hair-loss.

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